I had the pleasure of attending JsFoo 2018 held on October 26–27 at Bengaluru. This was my first time attending this conference and it was all thanks to Mozilla. We had a stall at the event and between attending the amazing sessions, Mozillians like me made themselves available to the other attendees to tell them about the cool stuff Mozilla is working on such as Firefox, Rust, A-Frame, among other things, and get them involved.

The stall attracted lots of people. Most of them were familiar with some facet of Mozilla but they were curious to know more. For instance, a lot of them had never heard of Firefox Monitor and after they left us they were a lot more informed about their privacy and security on the web. By far, the question we got asked the most was, how can one start contributing to Mozilla? Luckily for us, there’s a website that tells you just that. Some of the attendees happened to be Mozillians from other cities and it was nice to meet them. Still others seemed interested to join, and we got a lot of people to join the Mozilla Bangalore community and meetup groups.

A slide on network information API from the talk about service workers

As for the conference, one of the themes this time was security, so there were a lot of informative talks on making secure web applications. It’s hard to shortlist my favourite talks, but I loved those on service workers, GraphQL, async/await, RxJS and upcoming browser APIs (such as payment request API).

I had a great time these two days, and it was all the more fun because of the company of fellow Mozillians Rutuja, Srujana, Harish and Ranjit. I hadn’t met any of them before we came across each other at the venue and I like to think we left as friends. That’s the power of community. :)

Here’s to more such events. Until next time.

Originally published at: https://medium.com/@amjad/jsfoo-2018-97e13d3cad96