New beginnings
It’s been a while since I’ve had a personal website. Over time I’ve made a few attempts of creating my own website or blog, but none of them materialised into anything concrete mainly owing to my infinite procrastination. Here’s to hoping this one is going to be different.
As for how I managed to get this domain, that’s an interesting story. I had been planning to buy it when Google first launched the dot dev extension to the public sometime in February last year as it’s a short and brandable TLD for developers. However, I let it lie in the cart a day too many and it was snagged by someone else.
A couple of months down the line, I was still a bit preoccupied over the domain and checked if the new owner had set it up yet. Seeing that it wasn’t active, I decided to try out my luck and reach out to them to see if they were open to selling it in case they had changed their mind. I knew it was a long shot and didn’t really expect to hear from them and forgot about the whole thing.
Fast forward to January this year, the guy who owned it reached out to me and basically said he was happy to transfer it to me if I still wanted it. After confirming that he was sure we went through with the transfer.
So that’s the origin story of this website. Many thanks to that kind stranger for making it happen. :)